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Inspire Awakening 77



Inspire Awakening 77 is the brain-child of LaResa Anderson. This name was given to her by her angel guides during her Spiritual Awakening.

As a child LaResa always felt different than others because she was able to sense how others were feeling.

LaResa is an intuitive tarot reader who began her spiritual journey in 2012 after a life changing spiritual awakening. In 2015 She began the work of healing her childhood trauma and learning more about spirituality. LaResa began studying numerology because she began to see angel numbers everywhere and wanted to understand why. That lead her to begin a YouTube channel about angel numbers. Then she started creating content on TikTok where she achived a large following after doing live tarot readings. To date LaResa has helped more than 20K people by sharing her gifts and spiritual guidance.

A Message from LaResa:

Hello beautiful spirit! I am so grateful to have you here! There are no coincidences so I know that your spiritual journey is destined to include me. We all have a purpose in this life and it is our destiny to begin the journey of finding out what that purpose is by going within ourselves to seek it out.

Spiritual awakening is a personal journey to know yourself and each of us have to experience our journey in our own way. There is no right or wrong way to experience your journey because everyone’s journey is different and it is perfect for them.

My name is LaResa. I am a spiritual teacher and tarot reader. I know that my purpose is to help guide and inspire people on their spiritual journey and that is why you are here reading this I said earlier, there are no coincidences.

If you have had experiences that you do not understand, my prayer for you is that you learn more about yourself and your life purpose and use my intuitive guidance to assist you on your journey. I remember when I began doing research about spirituality, numerology, what I really wanted more than anything was to have someone to help me decipher everything that I had learned and how to use my newfound knowledge to help me find my purpose and how to step into it. Later on I learned that my purpose included tarot and I began the process of learning how to tap into my gift in order to helps others.

My mission is to be of service to anyone who is experiencing a spiritual awakening and is curious about how to proceed on their journey.

© 2022 by TBird&Co

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